Then . you’ll want to see which related articles influencers are tweeting about. To do this . get another spreadsheet ready: Spreadsheet Search for articles that are getting a ton of tweets. Then . filter your search by “Influencers” to see what people with the largest social media followings are tweeting about. To do this: Use the sidebar option to filter by influencers. Topsy Then click on the “Mentions” link below each influencer to see what content they’re sharing. Topsy Paint Grab those URLs as well . and jot down which influencers are sharing this content. Next . follow the same steps you did with the articles you found using Buzzsumo. Take note of ChatGPT) the information that’s mentioned over and over again and ) the crucial information that is being left out or neglected.
Then grab some data from good ol’ Google F Cameroon WhatsApp Number List inally . to get backlinks and rank in Google. Get a third spreadsheet ready for this step and then: Type your keyword into Google and grab the URLs of the top ChatGPT- search results (skip Wikipedia pages and such). Plug each URL into a backlink checker . like Ahrefs or SEO Spyglass. Copy-paste each URL that has received a good amount of backlinks into your spreadsheet. Depending on your niche . this threshold could be over ChatGPT backlinks – or it could be over ChatGPT. You can’t say without looking at it relatively. Look at how many backlinks the top ranking articles are getting . and compare those numbers to the lower ranking articles. This will give you an idea of what an impressive number of backlinks looks like.
Lastly . go through each one and take note of the same two pieces of information you did with the previous articles. And what are you left with ChatGPT By now . you know which types of articles are proven to get social shares . backlinks and rank in search engines. But you also know: What information must be included Which information will set your content apart What content the most influential people/companies are sharing on this topic (and who they are!) Not bad. But now it’s time to make your content better than anything else out there. . Create amazing content that’s better than the rest Since you read through all of the most shared articles . you have intimate knowledge of the best content on your chosen subject. Now it’s time to make your content better. Your goal should be to create the number one resource for this information.